Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Online TESOL Certification Course Tips

If you are planning to make your career as an English teacher in abroad, online TESOL certification is what you need. Though attending a TESOL program is intensive and challenging but it’s extremely rewarding at the same time and also a great deal of fun. TESOL training is tough but needn’t convoluted as long as you take these pointers into practice. Below are some important tips for you to survive and come up as a truly successful TESOl certified professional

Put your life on hold and put your all efforts in the course
  • This may sound daunting but it doesn’t mean your life will be all paused. You just need to be dedicated and discuss all your concerns that you have with the centre and they will give you advice on your aptness for the course. 

Get curiosity and be a learner
  • It’s like being, ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’. In order to be a successful TESOL certified professional, you have to be vulnerable. Be a curious leaner and develop compassion towards students who may find themselves in a similar position. 

Time management
  • Time is the most valuable thing in this world. If you don’t manage it, it may ruin your career poorly. So when you have time, manage it effectively and organize your workload to set the realistic deadlines to get your work done within deadline. 

Polish your English grammar and structures
  • You have the skills but they can’t create wonder if you don’t polish them. The pre-course reading list, knowledge and task will take you to the right direction. Do a little advance preparation and sharpen your grammar points to perform better. 

Find a quiet place to study
  • Being around with flatmate/family/partner/friend may lead to noise and distraction. So it’s better to find a peaceful place where you can easily and quietly prepare for your TESOL course. Be frank and be clear towards your goal. 

Get feedback from seniors 
  • Feedback given by professionals or board members will help you move at the right direction. Whatever knowledge you gain, reassure that to ensure you are the right directly. Ask your seniors or those who are already settled as a certified TESOL teachers. 

Communicate your concerns with your tutor
  • When you have tutor to prepare for your TESOL course, never lose a chance of taking advice to them. As the course is intensive and full of pressure, try everything possible to cut the crap. 

And last but not the list, don’t quit. No matter how difficult you find it, never quit. For more information related to your TESOL certification course, get in touch with us